Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. It cares more about killing Israelis than the lives of its own children, because it uses Palestinian children as shields; i.e., it embeds its missiles in civilian neighborhoods to deter retribution against its incessant bombing of Israel while clearly knowing the lives of many children will be lost.  In the aftermath of certain death Hamas then uses horrific pictures of dead Palestinian children (its own dead kids) to elicit world sympathy for Palestine.


The total elimination of Israel is the material controlling substance of what is occurring now and what has been the underlying issue for decades. If the Middle East would agree to recognize Israel and stop either actively pursuing the elimination of it or tacitly allowing others to pursue the elimination of Israel – a country specifically established in the aftermath of Nazi German’s “ethnic cleansing” – then Israel’s latest response to Hamas’ latest rain of bombs would not be happening.

Do not forget that a plethora of Muslims in a number of Middle Eastern countries also specialize in killing each other daily (as they have for 140 decades) because of differing beliefs in Allah.  And Muslims everywhere have specialized in treating women as chattel and far worse. There is no evidence of any overriding concern for humanity.  A preponderance of available historical empirical evidence reveals a profound concern for power and wealth for the few.

An analogy is to be found in the Christian creationists religious right’s blockade of Congress and their votes in lockstep against all social welfare that benefits children like: food stamps; school lunch programs; unemployment insurance to millions of families suffering from “structural unemployment;” public education and student loans; the Violence Against Women Act; raising a minimum wage that has stagnated for 3 decades; these fundamentalist Christians have ruined millions of American lives.  While they have voted to let American children starve and be subjected to an enormous proliferation of gun deaths in the schools and streets of America – at the same time the “Christian right” has support huge subsidies to Big Oil; unfettered behavior for Wall Street’s sociopathic greed; low taxes for the very wealthy to shift vast amounts of wealth to the “job creators” hoarding profits and income offshore.

Underneath the surface of the “Republican Philosophy” is funding provided by the Koch brothers etal – whose motivational ethic is Domionism/ Christian Reconstructionism.  This ethic, for 80 years, has been the hidden driving force to reduce the US government to rubble in order to erect a Christian Nation – a Plutocracy based on primitive Stone Age values and ignorance – and vast wealth and power for the Billionaire class.  This would be a shining nation of uber riche Plutocrats that would keep the masses in the dark as the omnipotent ruling power bent on feeding their rapacious sociopathic greed.  Karl Marx pointed out:  religion is the opium of the masses. So, it is not just Arabs that do not care about people – Hamas is just more transparent and more blood thirsty.

Hamas is supported by Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood – so do not think it is frivolous or unimportant to support Israel because it is the only country in the Middle East that totally supports the critical need of all “free” Democracies to have a fire wall between the madness of fundamental Islam – and the Iranian drive to obtain a nuclear bomb – which then could be deployed by all the crazies intent on returning to the glory days of Muhammed who beheaded everyone in his way to establish Islam in the 7th Century.

Anyone who avoids knowledge of this to express a simplistic opinion not supported by current facts or the fact of history is very stupid, suffering from the mental rigor mortis syndrome or prejudiced. There is no other way to objectively regard this. It is not about agreeing with whatever Israel does that often may be a function of its own paranoia or arrogance, it is about objectively recognizing the controlling issue at play on the world stage now — Hamas and it intent to destroy Israel no matter what, no matter how many Palestinians die or do not have jobs or food. And this is the “fact of the matter.”

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