When will it be recognized that inflation is not a religion that cannot be questioned? Should there be unquestioning belief that inflation causes prices to go up? Or is there a foundational  reason behind precipitous price increases to consumers?  Could Schumpeter’s “Maximization of Profit Theory” from the Social Darwinism, postulated for greedy robber baron sociopaths to justify not caring about victims still be a foundational issue?   Herbert Spencer provided the ethic of “survival of the fittest” for the same robber barons – which had nothing to do with Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection; however, Social Darwinism today translates into Financial Darwinism based on the ethic – survival of the richest.

Economists have long postulated that price is determined by supply and demand, what if this  theory is fallacious and simply a ruse to accept untoward price increases; what if price is determined by greed?  Do the CEOs of Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Medical Conglomerates and Big Apartment Owners formulate inflated prices  based supply and demand curves – or inflate prices because they can, because it’s a no fault accident?   What if the accepted theory of inflation is bull shit? 

Think about supply and demand, does demand go up for basic needs like, fuel, food and housing?  What constraints are there on supply, and do profit margins need to be constant or increase when there are either Middle East oil blips or human tragedies that do affect supply like the Russian attack to obliterate Ukraine?   Does the price of scallops need to go up by 20% or gas go up 50% when supply in the U.S. has not suffered?   What about the price of pork to consumers when the price of hogs to farmers in Minnesota has not increased?

So consider the following equation: Inflation = price gauging + profiteering = sociopathic greed; and sociopaths do not care about any victims, not people or country. Inflation is a ruse to obscure the fact that avarice is the controlling issue. Big oil, big pharma, big food producers, and big hospital systems — oligopolistic price gauging without appropriate restraints – without anti-trust actions.

Then add to this conundrum the fact that the vast majority of economists have jumped into quadrants and formulas from their Piled Higher & Deeper lofty pinnacles of genius are quants without an awareness of the fact that economics is a philosophical dictum depending more on wisdom than math – so far there are no PhDs in wisdom.

Few economists question what they had to learn to get their PhD, the goal is to be elevated to genius infallibility. Few question why they might be wrong for turning the qualitative which is subjective into the quantitative to make the subjective objective. So the faith based theory of galloping inflation continues as if God inscribed it in stone for Moses, when the fundamental controlling issue is GALLOPING GREED  pushed by the  sociopathic greed of CEOs without any concern for the financial disaster inflated prices create for millions of families struggling to live on inadequate wage scales damped down by Republicans against the common good..

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