McConnell is a malignant sociopath, WITH NO ETHICS, NO PRINCIPLES, NO CONCERN FOR TRUTH – VICTIMS OR THE USA.  Moscow Mitch has taken millions  from Russian Oligarchs and the NRA – Vlad’s chief political money launderers, and is fundamentally complicit in Treason by enabling the Russian Asset in the Oval Office to have his way with America.

The back story on McConnell, however erudite the political analysis, is a distraction from the root problem which has caused Democracy to go horrifically awry – his sociopathic, unfettered rapacious greed and thirst for power.  This is clearly shown by McConnell’s Siamese twin adherence to the Russian Asset, and total disregard for:  truth, the public good, lies or even taking advantage of the pandemic.  And Clearly against helping 99% of Americans with the severe financial disaster unfolding from the pandemic.

McConnell is not merely corrupt and power hungry, but a perpetrator in complicit lockstep support of a President, who on the face of it is a self-evident Russian Mole, which is a grave violation of his Constitutional duty, especially as the Senate Majority Leader, to serve as a check on the Presidential abuse of power – and to defend America from foreign enemies.

In the Federalist No. 68 Alexander Hamilton wrote:  Nothing was to be more desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption.  these most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one quarter, gut chiefly in the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.  How could the better gratify this than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?”

McConnell is guilty of supporting Putin’s Puppet, a creature Vlad owns, that he helped raise to be the “chief magistracy of the Union” – the Union Traitor Mitch is helping to destroy.

Any article about the Traitor, including the recent one in New York Magazine, to objectively create informed public opinion must conclude with the fact the McConnell is not a Partisan for America but a TRAITOR who is a primary culprit in the destruction of our Republican form of Democracy.

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