Ted Koppel on CNN on the propitious morning of November 8th (America’s moment of Truth)  said: “I don’t see how our Democracy can survive if people don’t trust the objectivity of their journalists.”  I have pointed out in the past that  American “journalists” are not objective but “neutral” – “unbiased,” which is exactly what so many journalists have proudly said.  And I have repeatedly asked:   “How is it objective to be un biased about the truth?” 

Today CNN and MSNBS would think nothing of having Churchill on with Hitler to present “the other side” – which does not rationally  serve to  objectively create informed public opinion. This kind of “balance” only legitimizes the lies and provides a platform for Republicans to persistently lie the world is flat.

The result is that  voters, the media prefers to view as angry vs dumbed down bigots, have been under informed and  confused by media “journalist’s” own grotesquely irresponsible obtuse posture toward unbiased neutrality in lieu of calling attention to the lies.  And there is nothing about this posture toward overt lies that is objective.

Lawrence O’Donnell has correctly pointed out – “the media has enabled a ‘tidal wave of lies’.”  And Bill Clinton got it right when he said there are two Hillary’s – the made up one and the real one Americans are voting for now.  (edited on 11/9 the day after, that Americans did not trust in favor of the most untrustworthy candidate in my lifetime)

Republican lies and mischaracterizations of reality are called Hillary scandals and have been parsed and massaged into the dirt like Chinese water torture.  Trump’s overt racism is questioned by most members of the Press, “is Trump really racist in his heart,” and the media loves to say, “this is such a nasty campaign” — no assessed blame on Trump and his “strategists.”  Carol Costello on CNN this particular morning alluded to Hillary’s  “unlikable  factor,” which she blandly included in a sentence – implicitly reinforcing all the propaganda before America’s moment of truth.

Does the media ever stop parsing propaganda long enough to hear itself.   Does the media get it has enabled and been a major player in creating Hillary’s public  image of unlikableness  and untrustworthiness – i.e., the “made up Hillary.”

The media has apparently never seen any  Republican propaganda it is unwilling to parse; propaganda Goebbels’ would have been proud to share with Hitler; GOP propaganda which the American Press never summarily dismissed as pure manure – like Comey’s blatant stunt to tamper with this election by raising the specter of emails – emails investigated for political reasons that never adversely impacted on any National Security considerations.  Emails that were not germane.

Did Cronkite in 1968, when he returned from Nam and reported to America:  the war was wrong, a mistake based on lies, and that we had to get out – have one of the generals on for balance?  Or a  general who had lied to Johnson (we found out later from David Halberstam in “The Best and the Brightest)?  Or did he merely objectively present the facts with a profound concern for truth?  Facts he concluded were accurate from his own experience, wisdom, and commitment to objectively creating informed public opinion.  Did Cronkite or Murrow need to wait for some unknown, possible slanted inexperienced kid – without an extensive specific frame of reference – fact check?

So the neutral and unbiased (ABOUT THE TRUTH) media is why this has been such a “bitter polarizing election.”  The media’s lack of objectively creating INFORMED PUBLIC OPINION has allowed the emergence of Trump as well as allowed Republicans to blockade Congress, a blockade that created the  generalization, “Washington gridlock, ” which is the media’s misleading characterization that avoids pinpointing the root cause, and encourages anger among our uninformed electorate.    Did Edward R. Murrow need Snopes to verify the facts about McCarthy?

Koppel is right, but has not looked critically inward at today’s media – at the lack of knowledge of most “journalists,” and how our current crop has bought the Fox lie of fair and balanced vs. OBJECTIVE TO CREATE INFORMED PUBLIC OPINION.

This will not change until the rules against cross ownership are re-established to stop the huuuuuuge concentration of the power to shape public opinion in the hands of 6 sociopathic greedy men – men who control 92% of all news outlets in America.  The concentration of the power of the Press has empirically killed the Fourth Estate;  which was considered the fourth branch of government by our Founders, because the Founding Fathers knew that a free press keeps the people objectively informed which they incorporated into our Republic’s designed checks and balances.

If the blockade of Congress continues after Hillary is elected (and today we know Trump won and America lost) we will need a Free Press to stop the lies and ID the culprits…like McConnell and Ryan and Cruz et al.  We will need the press to parse on this as long as inconsequential emails to alert the public to the root cause of Republican’s motives for carrying out their war against the middle class and the poor culminating in a decade of  “Washington Gridlock” (

All Americans who care about the future of our Republic and their fellow Americans must join together to fight back.  The Press needs to specify the Republicans have caused what it generically refers to as “Washington’s Gridlock” and  properly inform Americans its not the Democrats, as the neutrality of the Press implies the Democrats are also culpable.

America needs the DOJ to step up to the line with the courage to indict the Republican leaders who have long obstructed and sabotaged to subvert the work of the people – and INDICT THESE MEN FOR SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY. There is a plethora of prima facie evidence from any objective view and analysis of the Republican’s lockstep votes against the public good and public “tidal wave of lies” in support of their un-American conduct.

This article from The 5th Estate provides the legal argument for the Attorney General (as long as it is not Giuliani) … — I rest my case.

Epilogue:  November 9th, 2016,  the dark day after all Americans lost.  Americans failed in their moment of truth.  It is too late to stop the avalanche of lies now, I feel hollow, drained of hope for a better country,  and can only conclude the media is to blame and members of Congress who allowed the Rule Against Cross ownership to be quashed in the name of unfettered commerce.  The Free Press is dead, and the fourth branch of government our visionary Founders knew was so vitally important as part of the checks and balances built in to our Republic has been dismantled – this election is evidentiary.   The FCC and all members of Congress, including Democrats, and citizens did not pay attention to the danger of what the  concentrated of the power of the Press in the hands of a few sociopathic ruthlessly greedy (apparently misogynist) men could do to a Republic.  And  now we will find out.

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