There is no need for a colonoscopy to determine the cause of Congressional Constipation, as the longer the blockage continues (stemming from GOP feces) the worse it smells.  So for the past 5 years, ever since a black man started sleeping in the Christian Nation’s White House, the worse the constipation of Congress has become.  And the stench has engulfed our nation, while it has putrefied the soul of our founding fathers who brought forth a Republic originally for the social welfare of WE THE PEOPLE – which has perversely become for the social welfare of the wealthiest among us.

The Sequester with the underlying obstruction of the Ryan budget – based on gutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and social welfare generally is evidentiary of Seditious Conspiracy.  The faux economic notions of supply side and austerity, notwithstanding all facts to the contrary, are evidentiary.

And why must food stamps be cut? We can’t afford it, say politicians like Representative Stephen Fincher, a Republican of Tennessee, who backed his position with biblical quotations — and who also, it turns out, has personally received millions in farm subsidies over the years.

And the blockage of rational job bills, unencumbered by intolerable GOP additions, also goes to the material substance of the constipation and Seditious Conspiracy.

The difficulty in establishing the legitimacy of a single payer approach to solving a national health insurance and national human crisis resulted in the Affordable Care Act – which the GOP House of Representatives have brought up on the House floor 36 times to vote in unison against.  This is clearly blockage, in lieu of agreeing to make Obama care better; or proceed to the logical choice of furnishing all Americans with Singe Payer – the same health insurance plan Americans pay the cost of and provide for all members of Congress.  The Affordable Care Act does need to be corrected so that it does not blindly subject Americans to an overly complex set of unnecessarily rigid rules – like deductibles which cannot exceed $2,500 in 2014, and numerous other unintended consequences.  But the GOP/Teaparty radicals will not discuss this, and only vote to eliminate providing any health insurance for the social welfare of 47M Americans – Americans who could not get any coverage prior the Affordable Care Act.  Again, this is self-evident Seditious Conspiracy.

Why would anyone call the GOP Teapublicans conservative? What is conservative about radicals voting in lockstep against any proposal that clearly benefits the social welfare of most Americans? Especially when voting in lockstep is the cause of Congressional Constipation.

How can foundations like the Heritage be considered charitable foundations for social welfare when they have spent full time campaigning against the social welfare of most Americans by promoting only what is good for their sociopathically greedy narcissist benefactors.  And for the IRS to target groups who are clearly against what our founding fathers would have considered social welfare is to rectify having granted these groups tax free status in the first place.

I know a lot about bowel obstructions, having been surveyed out of USNOCS on 12 November 1964 with a “small bowel peritoneal partial obstruction due to post-operative adhesions.”  And I know a lot about what is wrong with obstructing Congress – which is not due to Congressional Non-partisan Gridlock, as most members of our media would have you believe.  The obstruction is clearly due to the GOP/Teapublicans marching and voting in lockstep against the best interests of the social welfare of the public good. 

Some people know a lot about what they know but not much about what they do not know, which is a fatal flaw.  Teapublicans know almost nothing about what they think they know, and nothing about what they do not know, which is the worst possible combination for anyone in public office to possess.  Bob Dole knows a lot about what today’s GOP does not know:

Bob Dole, former Senate Majority Leader, WWII wounded veteran, served in the Congress and the Senate for many decades, was a conservative who knew how to negotiate with both sides of the aisle.  He was not a radical who voted in GOP unison in conducting war against the social welfare of the 98%.  Dole is almost 99 and has not lost his marbles, as is obvious in the case of all the GOP/Teaparty radical religious zealot creationists who prefer to live in the dank dark shadows of the pre-Dark Age bible thumpers.  This is what Bob Dole thinks about the obstructionist radicals. Cached Similar

Bob Dole Lashes Republican Party: They Should Put A Sign On The Door That Says ‘Closed For Repairs’ 26 May 2013 10:30 AM, PDT | Mediaite – TV

The only repair is to remove the obstruction by exorcising all the obstructionists – or by indicting them for Seditious Conspiracy.  Go to this article and clink on the link to sign my Congressional Petition to indict.

Buy my book from Amazon, about which David Satterfield, former Business Editor of the Miami Herald and two times Pulitzer Prize Winner, said this:

This should be must-reading for every policy maker in Washington and every student of economics and finance.”

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