Fairness has vanished in a tsunami of financial inequality.  Sociopathic greed has been deregulated and ethics have been devalued, and the disparity between top corporate executive wage levels and workers has risen, over the course of 2 decades, to 3,500 times higher than the stagnant average wage level of their workers.

The creationist, no nothing teaparty has taken over the GOP, and the GOP has willingly allowed this to happen as it has crafted a base of idiots that it can control by lying about job creators, waving freedom flags to justify economic stratification, and blockading Congress by voting in lockstep against anything that helps ordinary people.

Further, the sociopathic greedy narcissist billionaires who fund the obstruction of our government and fight against social welfare of beneficial interest to the vast majority of Americans – also do everything possible to subvert elections, by funding so-called conservative think tanks to funnel money to all the obstructionists – who should be indicted for Seditious Conspiracy.

The Supreme Court has also become a ally of the Koch Bros and others like Sheldon Adelstein who only want to amass more billions by keeping their paid for elected legislators in their pockets to vote against Medicare, Medicaid, minimum wage increases, unemployment benefits, food stamps and Obama care – the list goes on and on.

From the last chapter of How We Got Swindled by Wall Street Godfathers, Greed & Financial Darwinism ~ The 30 Year War Against the American Dream –  ESTABLISH ECONOMIC FAIRNESS AND STABILITY:

There is a war against the middle and upper middle class. And this war must be acknowledged and recognized as Financial Darwinism, which David Satterfield noted in the foreword means, “Survival of the richest.” Financial Darwinism is the core belief and driving ethic of the right in the US, and is a shared commonality in the world of the ultra-rich around the globe.

There is an individual responsibility to listen for whether something makes sense. Our present society has abdicated their individual responsibility to listen for whether something makes sense by trusting in the supposed brains, and deemed professional standards of the infinitely greedy sociopaths with advanced degrees in physics, business and finance who have only been interested in their own needs and wants.  We have been swindled by having made an investor existential leap of faith into the presumption that risk can be quantitatively measured as well as reduced. And this faith-based acceptance of risk reduction contrived to pander to an investor’s aversion to risk is a leading culprit along with all the others.

Faith in risk reduction due to the acceptance of Quantitative Risk Measurement by Financial Engineers opened the floodgates to getting ripped off by greedy, implausible investments in geometric leveraged ‘instruments,” to place bets on. Because Greed still rules, we continue to bet on the direction of indexes and derivatives and anything in the futures market….

We know killing is wrong and we learned from history books that Social Darwinism was wrong. However, our financial Godfathers left their father’s or grandfather’s Depression psychosis behind as fast as they could repeal rules designed to protect future generations from the greedy, self-destructive excesses of their grandfather’s generation. Do you remember that Dr. Phil (Graham) called US citizens “whiners.” And he was one of the leading culprits having dreamed up Credit Default Swaps while he ushered the repeal of Glass-Steagal through Congress. Financial Godfathers never cease their maneuvers to maintain their kingdom at the expense of our treasury….

We must recognize the existence of Financial Darwinism as the evil force that has infected our society much as Social Darwinism did one hundred years ago. And we must acknowledge the behavior spawned by their core ethic of survival of the richest has manifested its presence as thirty years of war against the fabric of the American Dream.

The tearing down of the middle class has cost our society over fifteen million jobs. And this is directly related to the consumer demand necessary to encourage big and small business, the private sector, to invest in an expansion of plant and equipment as well as services that will create the jobs necessary to meet increased demand. This, of course, also results in more taxable income which creates more government revenue to reduce the deficit.

However at this time we are in a state of limbo because of the lack of understanding of basic economics and ignorance of the lessons that have been learned from the Great Depression by the Tea Party joined by numerous Republicans, members of the press and our fellow Americans who cannot reason or think past slogans. We must be open to what we ought to have learned in the aftermath of the Great Depression.

Most of us realize that sometimes it makes sense to borrow to invest if the payback is realistic. And now we know the private sector, which is ruled by the survival of the richest ethic entirely based on self-interest, has shown no interest in creating jobs without demand. It is clear the private sector will not invest. Because the private sector will not step up to the line in its absence, and by default only the Government will and can protect our economy by investing in the necessary repairs and improvements to public infrastructure deterioration.

Only the government can step up to this line. Only the government will fund high speed train service – which could produce a profit, as it has elsewhere. Only the government is charged with the role and responsibility to protect the public.

The deficit is not the real issue today. Investment in our country is the real issue, and now is the time for politicians to acknowledge what is necessary and have the guts to fight to have their fellow Americans understand, notwithstanding all the waste, lobbying and self-interest Congress has caved into to either get elected or remain in office.  If Congress just says no to all the lobbyists there is a good chance that Americans may begin to trust again.

Leadership is to navigate successfully across the finish line. It does not mean sticking a small finger out into a light breeze to measure the wind to decide upon your tack, direction. Like sailing – it means steering a steady and rational tack to get across the finish line. It does not mean taking anopinion poll from all the boats without navigation instruments, and then embark in a direction to follow all sorts of sailboats going the wrong way in shallow water. To follow boats without a qualified captain or anyone on board who can read a chart, or a depth meter or even notice enormous icebergs is senseless. Yet that is what has been happening in Congress.

The Tea Party and most Republicans are apparently clueless about the value of investing in a better direction and seem to prefer to remain in irons – which is sitting still in the middle of the ocean without a breath of wind, and refusing to turn on the engine to get to a better place, because they do not want to waste gas. We are in irons and the Government could turn on the engine and run long enough to go in a better direction.

It’s time to make sense for a change. It is time to step out of this mess into the daylight to at least establish a mission – a new path to find some common sense and some self-interest in the common good. Thomas Jefferson said the role of government is to protect the public – where has it been?!”

THE PUBLIC GOOD HAS BEEN SUBVERTED BY THE VAST CHASM OF FINANCIAL INEQUALITY. This chasm is an empirical manifestation of the insidious nature and ravages of sociopathic deregulated unfettered greed.  Which has been additionally subverted by the growth of overt racism, the growth of armed to the teeth militias’ paranoid about the changing color of America and the born again 13th century Christian creationists sitting in judgmental dank corners mumbling bibles steeped in ignorance and prejudice.

Americans must come together in a unifying idea to form an effective movement to coalesce all the divergent forces for good into a war against sociopathic greed to establish a Doctrine of Fairness. (Elizabeth Warren knows!)

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